Course Overview
The videos provided on youtube are just feature videos, some of them will help you to know what are the local acupressure points and how to treat and completely cure diseases. We will continue to add more vidoes about diseases and their treatment in Acupressure Therapy. We recommend everyone to subscribe our youtube channel so that whenever we upload new videos individual will be notified by youtube. In Acupressure Training Course you get all videos in sequence starting from Introduction of Classical Acupressure and classification and other full body acupressure topics. Complete Acupressure Training classes videos will be sent to individual on their email id shared with us while regestration.We will also send notes and copy pen on the registered address. You can watch videos anytime, anywhere and any number of time during the validation period as per your convienience.
Full Body Acupressure Course: Requirements
You are supposed to have a good Internet connection to watch the videos. Classical Acupressure Training notes are required while taking online classes. Use copy pen to make notes which will be sent by us through courier on your registered address.

Complete Acupressure Course Syllabus
In Acupressure or Full Body Acupressure Training Course the following topics will be covered in details.
- Acupressure and Acupuncture Theory in depth
- Types of Techniques & Therapies
- Energy Meridians & Channel
- Yin & Yang Concept in detail
- Measurement of points
- Important Points of our body
- Systems
- Organ
- Zang – Fu Theory
- Five Element Theory
- Precaution & Limitations
- Specific Points (Alarm points, Xi-clett points, dangerous points, yuan source points, jing well emergency points, Luo-connecting points, Homeostatic points, Influention point)
- Postures
- Meridians / channels
- Lung, Large Intestine, Heart, Small Intestine, Pericardium, Triple Warmer, Stomach, Spleen, Urinary Bladder, Kidney, Gall Bladder, Liver, Ren (CV), DU(GV) Extra and many body organs.
- Protocols of healing health problems.
- How to do pressure.
- Electro Stimulation Therapy
- Moxa Therapy
- Cupping Therapy
- Needles with Moxa
- Electro Needle Therapy
Benefits of Acupressure Training Course
One will learn alot from this course as given above in the syllabus section. Apart from that individual will get a “certificate of course completion”. Those who have learnt or taken Acupressure training classes from us will get an opportunity to practice at our camps as per their own conveinece. Individual will get life-time question answer support for his/her doubts even after completion of course.
We believe in Learning | Practicing | Healing.